I don’t know if you’re like me, but if you are, you’re always planning for what’s ahead. Sometimes this goes well and sometimes it doesn’t, but I can definitely say it means that life is never boring!
Speaking of never boring, I accepted a new position within my organization over the summer and have officially crossed over to the admin side! This has brought a lot of changes, in terms of my job duties, how I allocate time outside of work, when I have off during the year, and what my future goals for professional development are. You name it, it’s changing! This has also afforded me an opportunity to be involved with new teacher training and prep for the new school year from the other side of the fence, so to speak. I’ve had a chance to support teachers and the planning process in ways I haven’t before, and out of that has come some ideas that I’m going to try to remember as we move forward into this new school year.
Let’s get to it! Here are Three Thoughts to Carry Into the New School Year.
1. Every day is a new day. As teachers, we work hard to encourage our students to have that growth mindset and to never stop striving to improve, achieve their goals, and move ever forward. We know they will experience bumps in the road but that experiencing those and overcoming them is all part of the process, right? Don’t we as teachers, administrators, and school staff deserve the same consideration, especially from ourselves?

2. It gets harder. The beginning of the year is super exciting! It’s a fresh start, with new kids, new co-workers, and new adventures to get underway. We’re so excited and nervous for the first day! Part of the joy of teaching and working in schools is the energy at the start, and the rhythm that it adds to our days and lives. Except almost right away, reality sets in and the Tetris blocks of responsibility start to fall- for everyone! Do you remember going through the syllabi from your classes and realizing how much has to get done in the next few weeks? Are you a teacher who just got your IEP calendar and started adding dates and then felt like you needed to go lay down? Woof! We’ve all experienced the sensation of the wind being taken out of our sails, and we know that while this season doesn’t last forever, it is coming, if not already here! So, if we know something is going to happen, isn’t it wise to make a plan for it? How will you take care of yourself in the face of all that has to happen in the next ten months? How will you make sure your emotional well doesn’t run dry? How will you balance your work and your home, and how will you be gentle with yourself in the process? Make a plan now for how to weather the storms, because let’s face it- it gets harder.

3. It gets easier. With all that being said, though, it does get easier! Your skills will evolve, practice will make perfect, and by the end of the year you will marvel at all that got accomplished this year and then set even loftier goals for next year! The most passionate teachers I know are always reflecting on their practice, and they confront reality for what it is- some things go well, and some don’t. If there are things they can change for next time, they do, but otherwise, they don’t dwell on the past or on perceived failures or shortcomings. They learn from that experience and move on, and don’t let those experiences define them. Teaching is a profession and a practice, and it involves lots of repetition and exposure to develop skills. If you are at the beginning of the journey, or your journey is taking you in a new or unexpected direction, remember- it gets easier!

As you plan out the next steps of your school year, make sure to factor in all that’s important- and that includes yourself! Make a plan for your own self care and execute that plan regularly. You matter too, and this project we’re all undertaking wouldn’t happen without you.