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Fall Fun at Special Ed Safari!

Updated: Sep 2, 2023

The new season is upon us! Although the official first day of fall was back in September, we have an entire season of fun to look forward to!

At the same time, teachers may be finding that the, shall we say, sparkle of the first days of school has worn off by now.  There’s no doubt that we have a lot to deal with this year, between the normal pressures of teaching and learning, COVID-19 mitigation protocols, community pressures, supporting students’ mental health (and our own, for that matter,) and re-engaging students in the learning process.  Each of those topics could have an entire blog devoted to it on its own, but I’m here today with some suggestions for quick and easy ways to support instruction and engagement in the learning process. We all have a part to play!

Check out the fall and Halloween themed-products below from Special Ed Safari.  Digital versions of all products are on the way!

The Fall and Halloween Word Problems are designed to be fun and engaging in a cut and glue format that allows students to use an answer bank (or not) and can be used as classwork, homework, individually as exit tickets, and more!

Are you working on ratios and fractions right now? How about some colorful, engaging ratio activities at two different levels of difficulty? My Halloween Ratio Work Samples will hook you up!

Students at many grades are working on place value, composing and decomposing numbers, and my Composing and Decomposing Numbers- Fall Edition provides task cards in both a whole page and multiple problem format to support students in practicing and mastering this critical skill. 

To all teachers, everywhere- keep up the great work! Keeping kids engaged is no easy feat, and my hat goes off to you for looking for new ways to do just that.

What are your favorite fall themed activities or resources? Sharing is caring, so leave a link in the comments below!

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